385-233-9823 385 W Center St
Orem, UT 84057

Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

Experience Matters When Choosing a Dentist

Contributed by DentalROI

Experience Matters

If you are looking for a new dentist, you might have a hard time choosing which one to start going to. With so many dentist offices across town, how can you choose the best one? Here at Gentle Dental Arts, we specialize in family and cosmetic dentistry with all the latest equipment to make sure you have a beautiful smile.

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All About Orem, UT

Contributed by DentalROI

Orem UT

Whether you have lived in Orem for years or you just want to get to know more about the city as a long-time resident, here are some important things to know about the city. Orem is a perfect place to live whether you are single, married, have a new family, or just looking for a new life.

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Dental Issues as You Age

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Issues Aging

Dental issues can affect people of all ages, but they tend to be more common in the elderly. Older adults have more dental issues because great changes are happening throughout the body including in the teeth, gums, and other cells, tissues, and organs.

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Start 2023 Off Right with a Dental Checkup

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Checkup

If you’re searching for a dentist in Orem to get your dental hygiene back on track for the new year, look no further than Gentle Dental Arts. Dental checkups are important for both children and adults because it helps you prevent serious gum diseases and cavities.

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Using Dental Benefits Before the Year Ends

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Benefits

With the holidays upon us and the start of the new year just around the corner, dental benefits are probably the last thing on your mind. You’re busy trying to figure out what you’re going to get your friends and family members for Christmas, as well as what you’re going to do for your new year’s resolution.

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Taking Care of Your Teeth During the Holidays

Contributed by DentalROI

Teeth Holidays

The holidays are a time for spending time with your loved ones, sitting around the tree while listening to Christmas music, and occasionally indulging in a sugar cookie or two. Here at Gentle Dental Arts — your go-to dentist in Orem, Utah — we understand that it’s natural to want to celebrate and relax during this festive season.

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Smile Makeovers at Your Orem Dentist

Contributed by DentalROI

Smile Makeovers

Your smile is one of the first things other people will notice about you. When you have a problem with your smile, having a dentist make a plan for fixing it is the way to a pretty smile that will capture everyone’s attention. In Orem, your mouth will be taken care of by highly qualified dentists who want to give you the best smile possible.

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The Importance of Dental Hygiene

Contributed by DentalROI

Importance Dental Hygiene

You’ve probably heard about the importance of dental hygiene all of your life. Brush your teeth twice a day, don’t forget to floss, don’t drink sugary drinks after brushing your teeth, and probably many more rules that you do (or don’t) follow.

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What are Dental Implants?

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Implants

Tooth loss is, unfortunately a widespread problem, and dental implants are regarded as the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. If you have teeth that are failing or have already lost one or more teeth, our dentist Dr. Alexander Larsen might well suggest you consider dental implants.

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How Sedation Dentistry Can Help Your Dental Visit

Contributed by DentalROI

Sedation Dentistry

If you shudder at the thought of seeing the dentist and actively avoid essential dental care until absolutely necessary, then sedation dentistry is for you! Here at Gentle Dental Arts, we have extensive experience in treating and helping people who feel particularly nervous when seeing a dentist.

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Gentle Dental Arts
385 W Center St
Orem, UT 84057
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