A tooth extraction is simply the removal of a tooth. At Gentle Dental Arts, our experienced dentists and dental team understand that the loss of a tooth can have a large impact on the health, function, and appearance of your smile. We are careful to only recommend tooth extraction when it is the best option for restoring the health of your smile. In addition, we offer several options for replacing your missing tooth following the extraction. Dr. Alexander Larsen is happy to discuss dental implants, dental bridges, dentures, and other options with you both before and after your tooth extraction in Orem, Utah.
We may recommend a tooth extraction in the following cases:
If you are experiencing any type of tooth pain, please call our dental office today at 801-788-4922, or stop by. We are committed to restoring your smile to optimal health and function.
Gentle Dental Arts
385 W Center St
Orem, UT 84057
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